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Great Compare And Contrast Essay Topic Ideas

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If you think a compare and contrast essay should analyze the similarities and differences between two topics, you are only partially correct. The comparison should also be used to make a larger point about both topics. For example, if you compare and contrast two presidencies, you should be prepared to discuss the similarities and differences between both. In addition, you should be able to identify positive or negative results of both of those presidencies.

Of course, the process of writing a compare and contrast essay starts with one, very important step. You have to pick a topic. Which subjects should you compare and contrast? We’ve got a great list of topics for your use or inspiration.

  1. What Are The Similarities And Differences Between Old And New Money Wealth?
  2. Private Vs. Parochial Education

  3. School Uniform: Necessity or Relic of the Past?

  4. SAT and TOEFL: What to Choose?

  5. Is Computer Science More Important Than History Today?

  6. Life in a Small Town or Life in a Big City

  7. Video Games or Reading Books Is Better for Leisure

  8. Divorced Parents or Intact Family

  9. Kids Who Bully And Kids Who Don’t

  10. Similarities And Differences In The School Behavior Of Both Boys And Girls
  11. Cartoons of The Eighties or Cartoons of Today

  12. Working a Blue Collar Job or a White Collar Job

  13. Dress Code and Business Casual Wear

  14. Jeans Trousers vs. Khaki Wear for Health

  15. Working or Staying Home With Children

  16. Employment or Freelancing

  17. Going to Work or Telecommuting

  18. Using Facebook or Reddit

  19. Hip Hop Culture or Country Music Lifestyle

  20. Living in an Apartment or Living in a House

  21. Gothic or Baroque Style for an Apartment House

  22. Owning a Car or Using Public Transportation

  23. Japanese or American Animation

  24. The Rise of Google Vs. The Rise of Microsoft

Both companies are technology juggernauts, and arguably two of the biggest influencers on a global scale. Compare and contrast the growth and management styles of both companies.

  1. Harvard University or Yale
  2. Getting a College Degree or Learning a Trade

  3. Dating in School or Staying Single: Which Is Better for School Performance?

  4. Being Employed or Freelancing in College?

  5. Is It Easier to Write an Internship Report Instead of a Research Paper?

  6. Is Visiting the Library More Productive Than Studying in Your Room?
  7. The Remote Learning Courses vs. Traditional Classes
  8. Parental control or full freedom
  9. Studying Abroad vs. Taking Up Local Courses
  10. Manufacturing Jobs Against Service Sector Jobs for the College Student
  11. Life at a Large University or Small College

  12. Cities for Cars or for People?

  13. Traveling by Rail or by Sea?

  14. Liberal Arts or Business

  15. Differences and Similarities Between Chemistry and Biology

  16. Working in a Pro Union or a Right to Work State

  17. Negative Consequences or Positive Rewards

  18. Medically Assisted Drug Treatment or 12 Step Programs

  19. Messaging Kills Live Communication

  20. Compare your current home and a house of your dreams

Drug addiction is an issue that impacts people from every walk of life. Treating addiction is a bit of a controversial subject. Some people believe that 12 step programs that encourage complete abstinence are the key to curing addiction. Other People believe that medically assisted treatment options allow addicts to function normally without going through the pain of withdrawals. Compare and contrast both approaches and the benefits and drawbacks of each.

  1. Private Healthcare or Medicare For All
  2. The Political Campaign of Bernie Sanders Vs. Hillary Clinton

  3. Keto or Low Fat

  4. Cardio or Weight Training

  5. Free Range or Helicopter Parenting

  6. Veganism or Vegetarianism

  7. Traditional Theaters Vs. Themed Movie Experiences

  8. Local Music or Famous Musicians

  9. Cinema or Traditional Theater

  10. Fiction Against Non-Fiction

  11. Film Festivals or Big Studio Screenings

  12. Comedy or Drama Movies to Fix Bad Mood

  13. The Directing Style of Tarantino Vs. Clint Eastwood

  14. Sailor Moon or Pokemon

  15. Twitch or YouTube For Video Streaming

  16. Living With a Chronic Illness as a Poor Person or a Wealthy Person

  17. On Campus Living Vs. Commuting to School

  18. Online Courses or Classroom Only

  19. Buying Online Against Traditional Shops

  20. Fashion Today or Fashion in The Victorian Era

  21. Modern Fashion vs the One of the Early 90s?

  22. The Honeymooners or The Flintstones

  23. Traditional Advertising or Native Advertising

  24. Linux or Windows

Windows may be more popular, but Linux has and intensely loyal fanbase. Compare and contrast the features of both, then determine why each appeals to such a different audience.

  1. President Kennedy or President Obama
  2. Ronald Reagan vs. Donald Trump
  3. Current Political regime in the United States compared to the one 50 years ago
  4. Steve Jobs or Bill Gates
  5. American Government vs. Soviet Government
  6. Democracy and dictatorship: which one is better in a particular situation?
  7. US President vs. UK Prime Minister
  8. McCarthyism And The Muslim Travel Ban

  9. Authoritarian Parenting or Authoritative Parenting

  10. Parenting Style of the Chinese and the Western People

  11. Classical Music or Folk Music

  12. AP And Remedial Classes

  13. Teaching ESL Students or Native Speakers

  14. Teaching in a Wealthy District or Teaching in a Poor District

  15. Living Frugally or Being a Spendthrift

  16. High Risk or Income Based Investments

  17. Winter Vacations or Summer Vacations

  18. Disney or Universal Studios

  19. Beach Vacation or Mountain Getaway

  20. Road Trip or Resort Destination

  21. Basketball Versus Netball Rules

  22. Structured Academics or Independent Study

  23. French Cuisine or Italian cuisine

  24. Baking or Cooking

  25. Dieting and Sport for Weight Loss

  26. Fruits or Proteins for Breakfast?

  27. Fruitarianism and Vegetarianism

  28. Casual Dating Vs. Serial Monogamy

  29. Is Long or Short Hair More Feminine?

You hear a lot about the hookup culture. On the other hand, there are plenty of millennials and members of Gen-z that move from one serious relationship to the next. What are the differences to these two approaches. Is it more fulfilling to date casually or to pursue monogamous relationships, even if they are only short term?

  1. Apple or Android
  2. Nintendo or Playstation

  3. Java or Python

  4. Web Development or Web Design

  5. Apps or Websites

  6. Christmas Vs. Thanksgiving

  7. Money or Things as Gifts for Holidays

  8. Halloween or Valentines Day

  9. Living Alone or With Roommates

  10. Better to Be Miserable in a Mansion or Happy in a Shanty?

  11. Apartment or Private Houses

  12. Smoking Traditional Cigarettes or E-Cigs

  13. Classical Music or Folk Music

  14. Harry Potter Books or Harry Potter Movies

  15. Hollywood and Bollywood

This is a classic subject. Is the book or the movie better. With Harry Potter, you are working with a current series of books and movies. This means you’ll be able to research the topic quite easily.

  1. Conventional or Alternative Medicine
  2. Teachers' and Doctors' Impact on Society?
  3. US English and UK English Comparison

  4. Is Learning American English Easier Than British English for a Foreigner?

  5. Los Angeles Vs. New York

  6. Minor League or Major League Baseball Games

  7. College Football Vs. NFL

  8. Playing American Football vs. Basketball: Which One Looks Better in a College Application?

  9. Nascar or Formula 1 Racing

  10. Mindfulness Vs. Transcendental Meditation

  11. Surgical Cancer Treatment Vs. Chemotherapy Alone

  12. RNA or DNA

  13. Red Blood Cells or White Blood Cells

  14. Mineralogy and Geography

  15. Volcano Eruption or Tsunami: What Is More Dangerous?
  16. Harry Potter or The Lord of The Rings

  17. Young Adult or Romance

  18. YouTube Stars or A List Celebrities

  19. Fake News or Real Journalism

  20. Emails Versus Handwritten Letters

  21. House Lannister or House Stark

  22. Judy Blume or Beverly Cleary

  23. The Evangelical Movement of Today Vs. Thirty Years Ago

  24. Martin Luther King or Malcolm X

  25. Cleopatra & Margaret Thatcher

  26. Adolf Hitler vs. Joseph Stalin

  27. Ellen DeGeneres vs. Oprah Winfrey

  28. Plato vs. Socrates

  29. Racism in Europe vs. Racism in America

  30. Eastern Culture or Western Culture

  31. The Culture of Ancient Greece as Opposed to the One of Ancient Rome

  32. Russian propaganda during the Cold War vs. Russian propaganda today

  33. How Wars Are Covered in Press Today vs. in the Past

  34. Sparta and Athens

  35. The Origin Of Both Christianity And Islam​

  36. Islam and Judaism

  37. Christianity and Islam

  38. Catholicism or Protestantism

  39. Punishment And Justice

  40. Religion and Occultism

  41. American vs. British Religion

  42. Buddhism or Hinduism

  43. Communism or Theocracy

  44. Pacific Theater or Europe

  45. Civil War or Revolutionary War

  46. What Did World War I and Ww Ii Have in Common?
  47. Traditional Poetry or Free Verse

  48. Soul or R&B

  49. Blues or Jazz

  50. CBT or Talk Therapy

  51. Do Aliens Avoid Us or Do Not Exist?

  52. What Actually Makes One More Energetic: Coffee or Tea?

  53. Black or White Coffee to Jump Start the Day? 

  54. Coke vs. Pepsi

  55. Oven or Microwave

  56. Marriage and Divorce: Is It Worth It?

  57. The Edge Between Friends and More Than Just a Friend?

  58. Dogs vs. Cats

  59. Sources with Free Access and Rights Reserved: Should We Protect Intellectual Property?

  60. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson: Friends or Enemies?

  61. American Revolution VS French Revolution

  62. The War in Syria and Military Situation in Ukraine

  63. Consequences of Communism for China and Korea

  64. Legal Systems in the United States and Canada

  65. Marriage vs. Civil Union

  66. Can Flowers Exist Without Weeds?

  67. Eastern USA vs. Western USA

  68. Tennis vs. Ping Pong

  69. Series vs. Movies

  70. Watching Movies in the Cinema and at Home

  71. Are Male Friends More Loyal Than Female or Vice Versa?

  72. Role Models in 1950s and Modern Role Models

  73. Are 5-Star Hotels Always Better Than 3-Star Hotels?

  74. Camping in the woods or spending a night in a motel/hotel

  75. How Early Spacemen Are Similar to Christopher Columbus?

  76. People who influence teenagers most of all: Parents and celebrities
  77. Part-Time Jobs vs Seasonal Jobs
  78. Differences Between Canadian And American English
  79. Real Life Relationships vs. Romance On Films And Movies
  80. Mothers Love vs. Father Love
  81. Who Is More Important in One's Life: Siblings vs. Friends
  82. Love Before Marriage Vs. Love After Marriage
  83. What Is Different and Similar Between Love and Sex?
  84. Valentines vs. Christmas: Which Holiday Is More Intimate?
  85. Working out Early in the Morning vs. Late at Night
  86. Fundamental Differences And Similarities Between An Anglican Bishop And Catholic Priest
  87. Part-Time Work on Workdays or Full Day on Weekends?
  88. Are People Happier Today Than Back in the 50s?

Structuring Your Essay

When it comes to the structure of your essay, you have a few options. As always, you’ll need an intro, body, and conclusion. Your intro should introduce your topic, and state your hypothesis. Perhaps more importantly, you should clearly define the two topics. This means identifying what you will address and what you won’t. For example, if you are comparing WWI and WWII, that is a topic that can and has been the subject of full length books. So, you have to establish some parameters for the reader.

Next, you have to determine how you will approach the similarities and differences. You can focus on similarities, then differences, bringing both together at the end. You can also structure the body of your essay so you alternate between comparing and contrasting the two subjects.

Whatever you decide, it is very important that your transitions are strong. It should be clear to readers when you move from comparing to contrasting.

Finally, your conclusion is an important part of your compare and contrast essay. You should never simply restate the points you have made. Instead, you should synthesize those points and deliver a powerful message.

Make it Relevant

There’s more to this than simply finding a topic you like. It should be meaningful and relevant to your readers, and the class you are taking. Once you narrow down the topics that meet that criteria, you can begin identifying the ones that you find personally interesting.

Watch Your Own Bias

Remember that this isn’t a contest. You don’t have to identify one thing as being better or superior to the other. You are just analyzing differences and similarities, then drawing a greater conclusion from that analysis. If you have strong personal feelings about a topic, be careful. That could impact your ability to provide an objective analysis.

Researching Your Topic

The research you conduct will depend largely on the topic you select. For academic subjects you will likely rely on textbooks, journals, and academic databases. For current events, there are news sites, essays, news footage, etc. Whatever topic you choose, be sure you select one that has plenty of research sources for you to use.

Final Thoughts

Check out the topics listed above. These compare and contrast essay topics should provide you with a great idea, or at least a bit of inspiration.