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The following paragraphs contain our comprehensive review. We are providing this to our readers to answer the question, is legit? To answer this question, and provide you with the information you need, we have:

1. Read FastEssay Customer Reviews

2. Compared Fast Essay Prices With Other Writing Services

3. Read Fast Essay Testimonials

4. Researched Fast Essay BBB Records

5. Placed an Order For Essay Writing Services

Fast Essay is a service that connects, independent, academic writers with college students. To write this review, we placed an order for essay writing services for a college student. We received multiple bids, then accepted one from a writer with a college degree and writing experience.

Product and Service Quality

We received bids almost immediately after placing our order. We accepted a bid and made contact with our writer. He was cordial and helpful. It appeared as if he was well-versed in academic writing, and had a background in our chosen subject. Unfortunately, while we received our essay on time, it had multiple errors. This was in no way acceptable, academic writing. This paper could not have been turned in for a grade without significant editing.

Expertise of Writers and Customer Service Reps

We believe our writer largely misrepresented his qualifications. The result was our receiving a paper that could not have withstood any form of rigorous, academic checking. We suspect that we interacted with a native English speaking writer who likely ‘subcontracted’ our work out to someone whose native language was not English, and who did not have relevant experience.

We submitted a complaint to customer service. However, we were informed that they could do nothing for us as we had received an essay that was delivered on time. Customer service agents were largely blunt and rude.

Pricing and Discount Offers

The vast majority of bids we received for our order were around 25 dollars per page. To put that into perspective, that’s about ten dollars more per page than we would have paid at standard, writing services. By that, we mean services that have a set price per page, that do not use a bidding system. That makes these prices quite high. In addition to this, there are no Fast Essay discounts. The only way to save money here is to negotiate with your writer to receive additional services.

We used a debit card to make payment. This was held in escrow and then sent to our writer. Because we had such issues with quality, we have to say that we were entirely dissatisfied with the price we paid.  However, we did not encounter any safety or data privacy issues relating to purchasing writing services from this company. 

Miscellaneous Benefits

Because this is a clearinghouse or matching service for students and academic writers, there’s not much focus here on additional benefits or extra services. We did notice a blog. Unfortunately, the writing isn’t very good, and the subject matter is fairly tiresome. The site also features some reviews. However, as one might expect they are very biased in favor of the site. There’s not much objective criticism here. Any other benefits or extras must be negotiated and agreed upon between the customer and their writer.

Summary and Recommendation

We concur with the majority of FastEssay ratings. The overwhelming majority of FastEssay service reviews list significant quality issues with both research and writing. Prices were well above average, and there were no available promo codes. In addition to this, there seems to be no quality control when it comes to the writers who are allowed to advertise their services on Fast Essay. We recommend that students avoid

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